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Top 25 M&A Banker Dealmakers Globally in 2020

Top 25 M&A Banker Dealmakers Globally In 2020

Dealytics Intelligence has compiled the a comprehensive list of the top 25 Banker Dealmakers globally based on deal volume in 2020. We have over 10,000 bankers in our database with transactions going back to 1990.

Download below to view the report.

Download “Top 25 M&A Bankers in 2020” Top-MA-Bankers-2020.pdf – Downloaded 911 times – 397 KB


Source: Dealytics Intelligence.


Source Methodology:
Dealytics tracks thousands of data sources daily and compiles M&A transaction data through data portals and deals submitted by network legal and financial advisory partners. The banker league table lists senior bankers who have worked on an M&A transaction. The deal volume ascribed to an individual banker is based on the total deal value of the M&A transaction at the announcement date. The announcement date range is from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. Some M&A transactions may have been subsequently withdrawn.

Dealytics has used significant efforts to ensure that the information in this document is accurate and updated as of the time of the release of the report. However, Dealytics nor its partners or its third-party data providers shall be liable for any errors, inaccuracies, or delays in the information, nor for any decisions made, or actions taken in reliance of this report. Dealytics disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, quality, or completeness of any data or content provided, or as to the fitness of the content for any purpose to the extent permitted by law. The content, data, and report herein should not be used for the purposes of making decisions to carry out a transaction or trade and does not provide any form of advice – investment, tax, or legal – amounting to investment advice, nor make any recommendations or solicitations regarding particular financial instruments, investments, products, or people, including the buying or selling of securities or hiring or firing of individuals. Dealytics has not undertaken any liability or obligation relating to the purchase or sale of securities for or by any person in connection with this report.


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